Meet JF and his SYE MOT1ON Automatic 24 In Corio Limited Edition watch

Meet JF and his SYE MOT1ON Automatic 24 In Corio Limited Edition watch

JF spares his time between his professional duties during the week and enjoys sports and travels with friends and family.

Are you more ?

☐ 2 wheels ☒ 4 wheels ☐ All wheels

JF SYE MOT1ON Automatic 24 In corio limited edition 

What would be your dream wheels?

Porsche 911.

Porsche 911


What do you love most about your watch?

The original design of the Fastback™  strap and the leather quality.

In one word, tell us how it feels to wear your watch.


What compliment do you and your watch get most often?

Original and sober 👍🏻.

Which is your favorite Fastback™ strap?

The Fastback™  In Corio Limited edition

SYE MOT1ON Automatic 24 edition limitée In Corio